Sonja’s Update.

Since I first wrote, the following has happened:

1) I spoke to my whole choir at a rehearsal to explain what alopecia areata is and shared my journey so far. I also expressed my thanks to the many there who have given me support. I explained what the AAAF sponsorship means to me and the support that the organisation provides. I also invited members to speak with me about it, if they wanted and offered several AAAF information sheets. After my talk, a number of members came up to me to chat about what I had shared and to ask for information sheets. They also expressed their support and said how helpful it was that I had been willing to share what was going on with me.

2) I wrote about my alopecia journey in a small article that was published in the choir’s monthly newsletter. In it, I also expressed my thanks to those who have provided such wonderful support.

3) Our choir travelled to join 20 choirs at the Busselton SongFest. We sang at 3 concerts, 2 of which were at a local church and the third which was at the Origins Market. I was fortunate to sing the solo part of ‘Beauty and the Beast’.

4) Having started taking medication in late December 2022, my hair has started growing back. It’s slow progress, but I’m very grateful to have my eyelashes and eyebrows growing. Prior to losing all my hair, it was totally grey. My new growth is coming in much darker so that has been interesting! I’m not yet ready for a haircut, but hopefully, it won’t be long!

That’s it for me. Thanks again for the sponsorship. It is much appreciated!

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