Hamish – Sponsorship Update

Hamish has been attending Premier 2-3 times per week. It has been hot over some of the Summer days but they all have fun all the same. Going for a swim after has been a great way to cool down. He has been on his orange belt for about 4 months but this week was selected to be in the grading class and move up to the next belt. He is super exited about that. 

Hamish has had a couple of friends join Premier from his school class. That has been really fun for him. We went to Whitfords nodes Park last weekend for a beach training session. It was a big event, and the kids got to play obstacle course, tug or war and other games. There was also some martial arts, but mostly just fun. He went for a swim at the beach with his pal Archie after. 

Hamish has had some regrowth in his bald patch and where there was general hair loss occurring. We took him for a haircut a few weeks back which was much needed as prior to that he was growing it out. We are hopeful that is will in time fully regrow, but the support from aaaf and knowing he is not alone in that journey is comforting for both Hamish, mum and dad. 

Hopefully in the next lot of photos he will have a new belt to show off. 

Hamish was a part of our sponsorship program – you can also participate! Go here to learn more http://aaaf.org.au/sponsorship-program

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