Tayla – Sponsorship Update

“Hi, my name is Tayla, I’m 24 and I have had alopecia universalis since I was 10 months old. My mum tried to cure me with cortisone injections but I was too little, so my scalp wasn’t fully developed to perform procedures on. My brother and mum both have alopecia. My mum was 17 years old when she was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata and went through over 10 years of cortisone injections into her head, they didn’t work too much but it did burn her head very badly and she got very sick from it. My brother on the other hand could be considered one of the lucky ones. He was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata at 3 ½ years old in which he was old enough to get cortisone injections, it did cure him, and he hasn’t had a problem since, he is 28 now.

A lot of people see alopecia as a burden or someone being sick, but I honestly couldn’t be a healthier and fitter human being. I’m known to be envied for my amazing silk skin and gorgeous figure. I see alopecia as a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing due to not having to worry about shaving down for competitions or laser treatment which I’ve heard is expensive. But also, there are times for social events that I want to feel that natural beauty but nothing tattoo eyebrows, false lashes and a wig can’t fix. Alopecia is a part of me, I embrace it so much and it has shaped me into the most positive and accepting person that I consider to be today.

About my swimming journey, I have been swimming all my life, but I have competing in marathon swimming (so 5km and 10km events) since I was 15 years old. Since being a marathon swimmer, I am currently ranked number one in NSW and top 5 in Australia. After getting my bronze medal for the 5km at the 2023 Australian National Championships in Perth this year I have been able to go overseas and compete to represent my country in 3 World Cup series events for the 10kms. It has been the most amazing experience so far in my life. I stand out from the crowd for having Alopecia in a good way, everyone acknowledges and praises me in my swimming community and I love it so much!”

Tayla was a part of our sponsorship program – you can also participate! Go here to learn more http://aaaf.org.au/sponsorship-program

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