The Waterhouse Girl and Interview with Sue Hampton

Sue Hampton 4Review by Linsey Painter. 

Daisy Waterhouse has a lot going on. Her parents are getting a divorce, her best friend, Jess is moving to Australia, she has to move house, change schools and she’s got a secret, Daisy is losing her hair. There’s a shiny, smooth bald patch at the back of her head. For the first time in her life she is happy that her hair is nothing like the perfectly groomed hair of the Waterhouse girls in her favourite paintings. It’s wild and massively abundant so maybe having one bald patch won’t make any difference.

But when her hair starts clogging up the shower drain and her hairbrush, Daisy knows something big is happening. The only place she can reveal her true feelings in is her diary but secrets have a habit of being exposed. Will Daisy be strong enough when hers comes out into the open?

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